A sensitive lens is added here by combining a sensor or a recorder sensor with a controller in the control system, where infrared radiation enters through a separate window, scanning and displaying the obtained result. This is a diagram of a simple infrared recorder, also known as a thermal imager. What is it all for? In general, to understand the role of this device in our daily lives, which in the last decades has become firmly entrenched in all its corners. Don't believe it? Let's examine it in more detail. Our eyes cannot perceive the invisible waves radiating from objects around us.
A thermal imaging camera picks up these waves and "translates" them from the invisible to the visible spectrum. Moreover, an object with an uneven temperature on display will be colored in different colors. From blue, with shades of blue, to red. From cold to warm. Or vice versa. It doesn't matter. The main thing to understand is that warm-blooded living beings give off heat, as do objects if their temperature is above absolute zero. The device records this. And if the thermal imager shows "heat," highlighting a bright red zone on the screen, there are automatically two pieces of news - good and evil.
The bad news is that if you are being watched in complete darkness during military actions or special operations. This is a failure, which is estimated at life. The good news, if you are a hunter, you will be the first to discover a game or a hidden crack in the wall of a building through which the central heat "escapes." And it's pretty excellent when a CT scan examination of a patient reveals an incipient tumor. This is a golden ticket and a great chance for recovery. There is no single thermal imaging device for all occasions. Each problem is solved as it comes in, although the principles of operation, as already noted, are similar. Everything depends on the resolution of the infrared detector. The higher it is, the better the picture will look. The operating temperature ranges are precisely the same as the task at hand. It is limited by the reasonable necessity of use, for example, in metallurgy or construction. This also applies to the device's sensitivity, where the primary perception is aimed at the temperature difference. Sometimes even a tenth of a percent sensitivity is enough. In general, an infrared camera is a device that records and analyzes the distribution of thermal temperatures in the infrared range when examining an object. And how it works; let's look at some examples.
Thermal imaging cameras for the early detection of cancer.
An interesting fact of unexpected early cancer detection happened in the Scottish town of Edinburgh, where a thermal imaging camera was installed at the entrance to a museum, which took pictures of visitors to see how frozen they were. One of the tourists was confused by an incomprehensible red spot in the view around her breast, which was later diagnosed as early-stage breast cancer. This is just plain luck, with many factors contributing, including an advertising campaign by museum workers to attract visitors. The time and place of the "patient's" visit to the museum and the desire to see himself "through the eyes" of the CT scanner, plus the accelerated growth of cancer cells in the body, increased blood circulation that led to a fever. Hopefully, this story got a good "happy ending" thanks to a happy accident. However, experts do not recommend using thermal imaging technology for breast cancer screening and digital mammography as a more effective tool. This is understandable because the thermograph "takes off" indications of heat flow of blood in immediate proximity to the body's surface, which is insufficient to detect deep inflammatory processes.
A radio thermometer is used for such studies. A device operating in the range of ultrahigh frequencies measures the intensity of electromagnetic radiation of internal body tissues. In this case, there is no radiation load on the body, and the internal diagnostics of the organs reveal cancer in its earliest stage.
It is unnecessary to get bogged down with the emergence and functioning of microwave measurements. This is the province of specialists. The layman should understand that the radiometer procedure is harmless and recommended for preventive examinations, even for breastfeeding mothers. It can be compared to a regular thermometer when you take your body temperature. If the temperature rises - look for the cause; if the screening shows an inflammatory process - it's time for a comprehensive examination with an X-ray machine.
Thermal imaging binoculars for tactical missions.
Today, night vision binoculars with thermal imaging cameras are indispensable for intelligence gathering, preparing, planning, and conducting combat operations, advancing to the rear, organizing security measures, and much more. Depending on the lenses used, they detect thermal radiation at a distance of up to two thousand meters and convert it into light waves, making the picture visible. At night with such a device is well visible people, animals, viewed cars, trees, and various obstacles. Tactical binoculars are valuable because they work well in fog, snowfall, or rain. It's practically impossible to "blind" the observer, and he can watch the object located near a bright light source - car headlights, burning bonfire, floodlights, and so on. Binoculars equipped with a rangefinder and thermal imager are a great option to see and instantly calculate the distance to the observation object. Structurally, night vision binoculars are based on a digital camera and charge-coupled device or electro-optical converter. These devices are based on different principles of operation; nevertheless, both fulfill the primary function - observation in darkness. Besides, the binoculars should be made in a waterproof body with an anti-slip coating, preferably filled with nitrogen that protects the lenses against sharp shocks and temperature changes. Finally, digital models are equipped with a gadget that allows you to record photos and video in real-time, with the transfer of material via WI-FI to your smartphone or other media.
Thermal imaging cameras for gas detection.
We live in a world where it is no longer imaginable to exist without gas. Gas boilers, bakeries, industrial plants, and everyday cooking are usually "tied" to this product. And we rarely think, bringing a match to a burner with gas, what dangers it poses if it is not used correctly. And this product is hazardous, especially devoid of color and odor. What we sometimes smell is not gas. A particular odorant substance is added to gas mixtures to detect it by smell. However, you can't "smell" everything. Part of the problem is solved by installing gas analyzers. But the best option in recent times is thermal imagers, capable of "visualizing" the gas flare of natural and other gas types. Based on the property of gases to absorb infrared radiation at a specific wavelength, which captures the sensitive camera. Thermal imaging cameras for monitoring gas leaks are made using sophisticated long-wavelength infrared sensor technology, so-called quantum wells. It is clear that rapid localization of gas leaks, especially at extensive production facilities, is an essential task. So how do you find and localize gas leaks in time?
The traditional method uses soapy water. The process is inefficient, labor-intensive, and does not work at subzero temperatures. The gas analyzer will precisely define the place of the leak of only one programmed gas. "Smell" different types of gases will help the acoustic detector, but it needs a small distance to work correctly. An optical sensor will do the job skillfully in a safe space and with the ability to measure the temperature of the gas flare. A perfect choice is efficient thermal imaging cameras, equipped with a QWIP sensor and high accuracy. They will find leaks automatically and without interrupting production.
Thermal monocular (scope) for wildlife observation.
Among hunters, this device is affectionately called "peephole," which helps to identify the target day or night in difficult weather conditions at a distance of up to two kilometers. This is thermal imaging monocular. They are essentially the same binoculars but only fit one eye. It's lighter, compact, easy to handle for short stop-and-go inspections, power efficient, and has detachable lenses and magnifying sensor sets. It's convenient for observation of animals, searching for stray animals, etc. They differ from traditional monoculars because they have a thermal imaging module and removable lenses. When choosing a device, consider matrix resolution and frame rate. High frequency and a large matrix will provide a quality picture. In addition, hunters use thermal imaging sights, which are attached to the gun and equipped with a rangefinder. This makes it possible to locate the game in any weather, calculate the distance to the target, and make the shot based on the visible thermal contour of the animal.
Thermal imaging cameras for your mobile device
Technology development has advanced so much that we do not even have time to grasp all the innovations. Not so long ago, we used cell phones that weighed as much as a pounding hammer and could communicate with at most a dozen friends. Today, in one light and compact smartphone, there is an opportunity to share with the world, and many different gadgets are uploaded. Everything is under control: your staggering health with the recommended kilocalories, the route around the tollbooths, and much more. What else can you "cram" into this intelligent box? Oh yes, I remember. As a child, many probably dreamed of being like a cat. No, not about the silent and soft gait and eye color we are talking about. They envied her excellent vision in the dark. And now, as the great classicist would say, that moment has arrived. Now, with a thermal imaging camera, this is possible. Not a word about pricing this time. You buy and download the app you need and have a natural thermal imaging camera on your smartphone. Many developers offer this application type, and to avoid harming you, we will not indicate specific links to these gadgets. If you are ripe to install a thermal imaging camera on your smartphone, then you are already sufficiently wealthy and know how to use the Internet. You can find it on your own. We will summarize in a few words how this device works. First, the thermal imaging app and camera will turn your phone or tablet into a pretty good thermal imaging camera that will help you detect a fault in a remote system, such as a hot water supply that you can't see with the naked eye. Secondly, you can observe thermal energy from specific objects or people radiating heat around you. Thirdly, the program allows you to record the temperature of everything you record, so you can store and share your thermal imaging photos and videos with your friends. Maybe someone will be interested in an app with a simulated thermal imager for virtual reality heat detection or creating thermal camera effects. But generally speaking, when it comes to applications, most of the so-called "thermal imaging cameras" are just expensive filters with a catchy name that imitates heat from objects or people. You get an illusion for your own money, and you live in this, to put it mildly, deception.
Nighttime Driving Assistance
Driving in a column at night stealthily for the enemy with lights and headlights off, in slush, fog, and rain, the ordeal is not for the faint of heart. Staying unnoticed is often evaluated in life when carrying out particular tasks. This is where a thermal imaging camera can help the driver by leveling the playing field against darkness, smoke, fog, and dust. A thermal imaging device is installed on the vehicle to keep you well informed. Current thermal imaging technology makes it possible to detect the enemy at long range, analyze and deploy combat formations, get complete target information and, if necessary, attack the enemy suddenly, suppressing important defensive points. For the civilian population, they began to produce compact thermal imaging devices with an acceptable price range. The operating principle of these devices is basically.
The operating principle of these devices is the same as described above. IR cameras replace the driver's "eyes" in this case, reading the thermal energy emitted by objects along the way and providing a clear image based on temperature contrast. The main point of camouflage and stealth is that the thermal imaging camera does not need any light to create a clear picture in the dark. In this case, the detection range of the surveillance object using a thermal imaging camera is five times more effective than with headlights. A thermal imaging camera will improve visibility in the daytime when the truck is camouflaged in bushes and bushes with dense vegetation. Nothing will prevent it from observing the object without breaking its stealth. It is a positive fact that renowned car manufacturers have started using thermal imaging cameras to enhance vehicle safety. They will "notice" objects and obstacles beyond the headlights' visibility range, enable you to react in time and avoid a collision, help you orient yourself in the area, and reduce the probability of an accident. Hunters also appreciate this, installing a night driving system in their cars to observe and detect games without getting out of the vehicle. You can argue about convenience, but you have to agree about comfort. Play in a night driving system is detected because of the temperature difference between the object and the environment, even in complete darkness. It's just like in the textbooks. The device picks up the heat of the object, converts it into an image, and there it is on display in a full range of colors of hot and cold shades. And you don't need any additional light sources, spotlights, or flashlights. Just take it and shoot. The main thing is not to forget to lower the glass.
Thermal imaging cameras for bicycle and pedestrian safety
A lot has been done for pedestrian safety. Thanks to the dynamic traffic light control system at control points, it is possible to improve the safety of intersections and crosswalks. A vast army of two-wheeled road users has formed next to pedestrians, slowly forcing pedestrians out of their territory and tightly trying to saddle their piece of the automobile road. In many countries, entire treatises are devoted to this problem, and city governments, when designing sidewalks, allocate a lane for cyclists. That's if it's possible and foreseeable. But thermal imaging technology can help here, too, if used correctly. Everything in our life generates heat, radiating it according to the principle that the hotter, the more remarkable. It is this emitted thermal energy, the "heat signature," that thermal imaging cameras record. And since they do, it makes it possible to distinguish between a vehicle and a cyclist. Scientists have suggested that the traffic light signal can be set so that the green light for cyclists turns on before the car light. This would improve their tracking and speed up the passage of intersections. Thanks to overhead thermal imaging sensors in mixed traffic streams, cyclists can easily be detected, helping to adapt traffic control signals to improve their safety.
Furthermore, thermal and video analysis systems allow real-time traffic light management, detecting the presence of vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians at intersections. However, in this complex and not always solvable variety of related problems, it is worth taking a closer look at the automotive thermal imager, which captures the thermal radiation coming from the object and transmits the visible thermal image to the car on-board monitor. An automotive thermal imaging camera is equally effective at any time of day or night and in any weather. One of the pros of this device is its operation in snowfall, fog, rain, night, and day. Visibility up to two kilometers, which is also essential. The convenience of placing on the car's front grille or removable on the car's roof.
Most importantly, the system is used to analyze the detection of objects such as cyclists, pedestrians, animals, etc. The onboard display gives the audible signal and confirms the light as you approach the object's yellow-red markings. The computer will warn you of an approaching pedestrian or cyclist from ninety meters. Nowadays, to minimize road accidents and save people's lives, the world's luxury car manufacturers have forced them to install thermal imaging systems as standard equipment.
Portable thermal imaging cameras.
Talking about the variety of thermal imaging cameras, especially handheld models, it is worth mentioning the criteria by which they are commonly classified. There is, oddly enough, no consensus, although some classification can be observed, such as
Thermal imager with optical-mechanical scanning works. The principle of operation of such is as follows. The lens focuses thermal radiation on the sensitive site, where a visible image of the object is formed after amplifying and transforming the signal. This includes thermal imaging cameras mounted on a matrix with infrared radiation. According to the spectral range, models operate in the long and short wavelength ranges; the difference is in the lens material. It is customary to distinguish between several types of thermal imaging equipment. For stationary use and portable. Each group solves its tasks according to the capabilities of the thermal imager. So, talking about handheld thermal imaging cameras, it should be noted that they are different in terms of functionality and performance quality. They are often used by special services and
specialists of law enforcement agencies. The appeal lies in the fact that by using thermal imaging equipment, the party performing the special operation becomes invisible by default, and the object in the field of view is not even aware of the presence of third parties. No obstacles like bushes, trees, vegetation, thick fog, snow flurries, or heavy rain can affect the quality of the thermal imaging camera. The excellent quality objective lens and high sensor resolution with a seven percent field of view will find the target at half a kilometer distance. Practically, portable thermal imagers have compactly placed the same components in the stationary units, only in a reduced size. Naturally, they are distinguished by their relative lightness in weight, from three hundred grams to two kilograms. The trick is the availability of a variety of gadgets. Photo, audio, and video modes, zoom, the ability to share real-time information, audio cues, built-in headsets, and the like. Handheld or mobile thermal imaging cameras have become standard for us. No one is surprised anymore at the construction site when an energy-saving specialist, who accepts an object for commissioning, scans the walls of a new building with a portable thermal imager for heat loss due to construction defects. And the non-contact scanning of workers on the walk-through when measuring temperature, with the current killer covid. A one-second measurement with an error of a hundredth of a percent of a person's body temperature gives a quick diagnostic result about their condition. It is optimized for a highly accurate body temperature measurement that signals a possible sign of a virus.
We didn't set out to dwell on the appeal of this or that thermal imaging technology today. The task was to give you an impetus to think about promising technologies tightly coupled with us. And if you have decided to opt for a thermal imaging camera, keep in mind a few recommendations that will probably help you make the right decision. Always be guided by the resolution of the infrared image sensor; the higher, the better, the better. Pay attention to temperature sensitivity and temperature readability in degrees, actual scanning modes, error percentage, availability of built-in display, the minimum focal length, and the possibility of manual calibration parameters. And, of course, the device's memory and combination with other devices. In conclusion, let us remind you that you know what you will get from cheap fish. Therefore, buy only from a proven and official seller with the mandatory conditions of warranty and post-warranty service of the purchased device. Good luck.