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How to clean your spotting scope

May 09, 2023 | 03:21 pm 442 0
How to clean your spotting scope

If you need to consider something at a great distance, spotting scopes will be the best assistance. This device is simple and easy to use, so it is used to perform many tasks. For the optics to work perfectly, they need to be appropriately looked after. In this matter, it is essential to exercise accuracy and caution and perform all actions in strict accordance with generally accepted rules.

What causes dirt from spotting scopes?

People do not live in a vacuum, so all the devices they use are exposed to various external influences daily. This leads to the appearance of dirt, dust, and drops of moisture on them, which gradually disable different structural elements. The result is a premature device failure with all the ensuing negative consequences. The same thing happens with expensive spotting scopes. In most cases, with insufficient care, they break faster than any other type of optics. To avoid this, it is recommended to clean all accessible structural elements regularly. Before starting such work, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of pollution. By doing this, choosing the best way to care for optics will be possible.

Common causes of contamination on spotting scopes:

  1. Actions of the owner of the optics. In the body of any person, various processes are constantly taking place, laid down by nature. They lead to sweating, hair loss, and change in the upper layer of the epidermis. As a result, drops of moisture, tiny hairs, and microscopic skin particles appear on various parts of regularly used optics. All of them gradually accumulate, making spotting scopes excessively dirty. It is impossible to stop or prevent this process, so it remains to regularly care for the equipment or never take it out of the box.
  2. External influences. In 99% of cases, spotting scopes are used outdoors. Here, dozens of external factors affect expensive optics, gradually polluting them. Precipitation, winds, and temperature changes have the most significant negative impact. The first leave drops of moisture on the device, the second - refined grains of sand and dust, and the third - condensate. Such dirt quickly accumulates, and it is impossible to slow down this process. A similar situation will be observed even in cases where the owner of the optics uses special protective equipment (case, eyepiece, lens caps, and much more).
  3. Improper storage. Most of the dirt accumulates on items that are stored at home. Spotting scopes is no exception. These devices collect dust on themselves, which settles on various structural elements and gets inside the case. The situation can be corrected only by storing the device in special packages from which air can be pumped. The vacuum will prevent dust from entering the optics, thereby preventing contamination. Only some owners of spotting scopes can have such storage; therefore, in most cases, you will have to put up with the need to care for the optics regularly.

Simple ways to clean a spotting scope lens

The biggest problem with spotting scopes is lens contamination. Because of this, the image becomes fuzzy and various defects appear on it. Timely cleaning will help prevent this outcome. It is carried out using four effective methods. Each of them has its positive and negative sides, so the choice of a particular option always remains only with the owner of the optics.

Popular lens cleaning methods:

  1. By air. This method is the most popular, but its effectiveness depends on many factors. It involves the removal of dust from the lenses by exposing them to a stream of air. For the procedure, it is recommended to use a blower. This device often comes in a mini version which is perfect for the owner of the spotting scope. An alternative would be to blow dust off the lens surface. It is enough to take air into the lungs and blow on the cleaned object. It is often not recommended to use this method. The reason for this is the moisture in the air exhaled by a person. It can get on the lenses and make cleaning even more difficult.
  2. Brush. This option is the most effective, removing dirt in just a few seconds. For cleaning, a special meeting with soft bristles is used. In most cases, it is sold together with spotting scopes, but sometimes it has to be bought separately. Such a brush gently cleans the surface of the lenses from various types of dirt. Due to its increased softness, it does not leave scratches and other defects. You can also use the universal lens brush to clean the lenses. However, in this case, you need to exercise utmost care since any wrong movements can leave marks on the surface of the object being cleaned.
  3. Napkin. Cleaning spotting scopes lenses is no different from cleaning other optical instruments. Therefore, during operation, it is advisable to use a unique napkin designed for models of any kind. This wipe is quite soft and sterile. It does not leave any defects on the surface of the lenses but only gently removes various contaminants. It can also absorb moisture, an essential advantage of this product. You can start to work only with a new, previously unused napkin. Otherwise, dirt particles remaining on it from the previous cleaning will scratch the lens and make it unsuitable for further use.
  4. Solution. This method of cleaning lenses involves the use of a unique key. It is easy to find in stores and purchase at a low price. There are dozens of such substances on the market. They all have a specific composition and are intended to remove one or another pollution. Some solutions are only suitable for cleaning lenses of a particular brand, which is why owners of spotting scopes need to pay much attention to the selection process. At the same time, it should be remembered that for optics, the solution indicated by the lens manufacturer will still be an ideal option.

Dos & don'ts of cleaning your spotting scope

Any lenses are very easy to ruin. One careless or thoughtless action is enough for various defects to appear on the product's surface. You must study the list of permissible and prohibited activities in advance to prevent this.

Allowed actions:

  1. Reading instructions. The first step is always to read the instructions with the spotting scopes. It will contain recommendations for optics care, which everyone should follow. Otherwise, the probability of a negative outcome will be high.
  2. Use of additional tools. Spotting scopes should be cleaned as carefully as possible. Therefore, it is recommended to use various auxiliary tools in the work. These include brushes, wipes, mini-blowers, and other valuable tools. With their help, cleaning will become much more accessible, increasing efficiency.
  3. Correct hand movements. Clean the lenses and other elements of the device by making circular movements. They will make work more efficient and safe for various optics parts.
  4. Use of additional protection. Finish cleaning spotting scopes with a 5-minute pause. It is needed so that the moisture remaining on the surface of the parts evaporates naturally. Only after that you can put protective covers, covers, and other additional items on the optics.

Prohibited actions:

  1. Excessive cleaning frequency. According to the recommendations of most manufacturers, you need to clean any optics 1-2 times a month (depending on the frequency of its use). However, there are fans to carry out this procedure 5-10 times more often. This cannot be done because, due to constant exposure, various structural elements will quickly wear out and cannot perform their functions at 100%. Also, from frequent cleaning, scratches and other defects will appear that can altogether disable the optics.
  2. Cleaning the whole device. It is forbidden to clean collected spotting scopes. Therefore, you first need to remove all removable parts of the structure and only then get down to business. If you make a mistake, the quality of work will noticeably decrease, and the whole process will become more complicated. After cleaning, it is recommended to wait 5 minutes and return all previously removed parts to their original place.
  3. Getting rid of pollution with the help of hands. It is strictly forbidden to clean the lenses with your fingers and wipe the dust from the surface of the device with your palm. The fact is that there is a certain amount of fat on human skin. During direct contact with the structural elements of spotting scopes, it will transfer to them and further contaminate the optics.
  4. Use of unsuitable fixtures and materials. During cleaning, using devices not intended for this purpose is forbidden. Otherwise, damage to various structural elements and a decrease in the device's efficiency is guaranteed. It is also not recommended to use napkins and rags made of unsuitable materials (indicated in the instructions). If you neglect this rule, piles, dust particles, and scratches will remain on the surface of the lenses and other parts. They will also reduce the efficiency of the optics or altogether disable it.

Spotting scopes is the only correct solution when seeing something from a distance. It must be looked after for such optics to work effectively throughout the entire operation. All foreseen actions must be carried out regularly and by the manufacturer's recommendations. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid damage to an expensive device and its premature failure.

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