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How Do Night Vision Goggles Work

Nov 18, 2022 | 07:00 am 727 0
How Do Night Vision Goggles Work

Right now, night vision goggles (NVG) are not inventions from a science fiction book but a very excellent tool for surveillance in poor visibility conditions. This device has long been used with success by both the military sphere and hunters. This gadget has also become an integral part of the equipment of tourists, rescuers, and law enforcement officers. One of the distinguishing characteristics of night vision goggles from binoculars is the absence of a magnification function. So, first of all, they are necessary for moving - on foot or by car. After all, only in NVG can one estimate the distance to a visible item. The second use of points is using weapons with scope for hunting. Let's take a closer look at the types of night vision goggles: image intensifier goggles (electronic-optical converter), digital night vision goggles, and thermal NVG. Currently, glasses on the image intensifier are most often used - due to reliability because the conditions for their operation do not allow even the slightest malfunction of the device. At the same time, prices for microelectronic components and charge-coupled device matrices are constantly decreasing, and digital glasses are replacing image intensifier tubes, which are still in domestic use.

How Do Night Vision Goggles Work?

Without going into technical " rubrics," the operation of the device with the electron-optical converter is as follows: The lens collects the weakest night light, or the reflected light of infrared illumination, after which the light rays are focused and directed to the photocathode of the image intensifier tube, which in turn converts a stream of photons into a similar stream of electrons. The photoelectronic multiplier repeatedly amplifies and accelerates the flow of electrons, the number of which increases. Microchannel technologies and elements based on gallium arsenide are also used, due to which the electron flow is enhanced. Electrons fall on a luminescent anode under voltage and knock out photons from it, which repeat entirely the original picture but are already amplified many times. The optics direct the resulting light into the eyepieces of the glasses, and the user sees an image inaccessible to the average eye. 

An interesting fact is that glasses that work to amplify weak light need at least some light. Therefore, in the absence of lighting, the device has nothing to strengthen and does not work. And here, you need a backlight implemented using infrared LEDs or lasers. Digital devices operate on charge-coupled device matrices, which convert the light collected by the lenses into a digital signal, amplify it and feed it to an LED monitor, which transmits the image to the viewer's eyepieces. Here, the principle of operation is similar to a digital photo or video camera with a screen; only the screen is placed inside the device. The picture in digital glasses is more contrast than through the image intensifier tube; the image is clearer over the entire field of view, and there are even models that transmit color. Thermal imaging goggles collect and amplify infrared radiation from any heat source. Using such night vision goggles for hunting, military, or rescue operations is incredibly practical since they do not need illumination. With such glasses, any living objects can be detected since their temperature is noticeably higher than the ambient temperature, distinguishing such targets from the general landscape. The disadvantage of thermal imaging devices is their high cost. The principal privilege of night vision goggles is the possibility of observing the area with free hands. The device is fixed in the working position with the help of a special mask, which is mounted on the helmet or the head with special puffs and straps, which securely hold the device in a comfortable position. All this greatly simplifies the observation process and frees up the hands, which is very important for solving several problems. Binocular performance (the presence of a separate eyepiece for each eye) with no zoom helps to estimate the distance between objects and their accurate dimensions, simulating average vision /

What two types of technology are used for night vision goggles?

There are two types of technology used in NVG. This is an image enhancement and a thermal imager. Image enhancement amplifies existing light. This makes the picture easier to read. Even on the darkest nights, there are tiny particles of light. Some of this light may be infrared, which humans cannot see. Night vision devices using image enhancement technology collect all available light. Then they amplify it so you can easily see what's happening in the dark. Another night vision technology is called a thermal imager. Of course, everyone heard such a word as "Thermal" in ordinary life. So, you know that this technology has to do with heat. Hot objects, including humans or animals, give off some heat from infrared light. NVG uses the technology of thermal imaging to capture this infrared light. So, you can see an image of what is happening in the dark. It is based on the amount of heat produced by objects. If the task is to choose NVG, then there are several parameters that you should pay attention to in the first place. The generation (Gen) of the image intensifier or the principle of light amplification (digital, thermal imaging). This affects not only the quality of the picture and the range of observation but also the gadget's price. As for the price aspect, the advice from the professionals: only buy expensive models for entertainment or cheap ones for serious work. Hunting is one of the activities in which NV goggles are often used. Most wild animals are active and nocturnal. You can track down the beast even with the help of the most budget models with image intensifier tubes of the 1st or 1+ Gen.


Night vision goggles are the most convenient NV device for long-term observations and situations where it is essential to free your hands. Night glasses suit hunters, military, police officers, rescuers, nightlife explorers, speleologists, tourists, and climbers. To date, the range of these devices is enormous, and it is essential to choose among this multitude of what you need. On the Internet, there are many reviews and helpful info on almost every manufacturer and model of gadgets. We wish you successful hunting, fruitful night research, and the realization of all your most incredible plans with NV goggles.

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