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Civil spheres of thermal image devices usage

Jan 14, 2023 | 06:40 am 469 0
Civil spheres of thermal image devices usage

Thermal image devices (TIDs) are in-demand equipment used everywhere and help people cope with various jobs. It can most often be found in the military, for whom it is an indispensable attribute. Soldiers of multiple units use TIDs to detect the enemy at night, monitor his movement, and perform many other tasks. Recently, such devices have been actively introduced into the civil sphere. This gave a new impetus to the development of many industries and greatly simplified the work of representatives of some professions.

Principles of thermal imaging work?

Thermal imaging is a relatively recent development. His appearance created a natural sensation and opened up new, previously unknown opportunities for mankind. Initially, this technology was used exclusively by the military, but it has become available to civilians in the last few years. The latter has found many ways to use thermal imaging in various fields of activity. Hundreds of TIDs models have been developed based on this technology. All of them have a similar device and an identical principle of operation.

Design elements of most TIDs:

  1. Lens. This detail of TIDs is one of the most important. Most often, it is made from germanium, characterized by high cost and complexity of processing. The lens collects infrared radiation and redirects it to the matrix. Almost always, it is supplemented with a special thin coating with an anti-reflective effect. It is necessary to optimize the transmission of light into the optical device. This negatively affects the cost of the entire machine but allows you to maximize the efficiency of its work.
  2. Matrix. The second most important and the first cost element of the structure is the matrix. It acts as a receiver for infrared radiation that passes through the lens. The matrix is often ​​made as sensitive as possible to receive even feeble IR rays.
  3. Display. This design element displays a thermal image that the user will see. Most often, the show is liquid crystal. It always has a reasonably large size compared to the device's dimensions and is characterized by increased brightness. The latter feature makes it possible to see the picture well under environmental conditions. In addition, the display is used to display important information (for example, the temperature scale, remaining battery power, current time, etc.).
  4. Electronic system. It is a complex of structural elements responsible for converting an IR study into a thermal image displayed on display. Such a system allows users to make various settings, ranging from the choice of colors to the collection of temperature values.
  5. Information storage device. This design element is present in some TIDs. It helps to save the received data for further study. Also, an information storage device allows you to transfer the collected materials to a computer and transfer them to other users.
  6. Body. It is also an essential ingredient. With the help of the housing, internal parts are protected from damage and contact with moisture, dust, and light. Most often, the body is made of lightweight but durable materials. This does not significantly increase the weight of TIDs but maximizes the protection of critical structural elements.

The discovery of thermal imaging gave impetus to creating various devices using this technology. All of them began to be actively used in the civil sphere and brought great benefits to people. The principle of operation of such devices is almost identical and relatively simple to understand.

The basic principle of operation of all TIDs:

  1. In the first stage, thermal imaging equipment captures infrared radiation from all heated bodies. This is done with the help of a lens and particular optical elements consisting of several lenses. The latter are often made of unique materials that can make this structural element as sensitive as possible to the perception of infrared radiation.
  2. The collected beams are directed to the matrix. It also has an increased sensitivity to infrared light, perceiving even the weakest radiation.
  3. Next comes the electronic TIDs system. It reads data from the matrix and performs complex manipulations with them. The result is a generated image ready to be shown to the user.
  4. This image is shown on a display where the owner of the TIDs can see the colored areas on the object in question. A temperature scale is shown next to the picture, indicating whether the color corresponds to a certain number of degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Some TIDs also have storage devices. They are often ordinary memory cards on which you can record a thermal image or video using optics. This design element is by no means always present in TIDs, since, in many cases, users need to observe the temperature of an object.

Types of thermal imaging devices

The popularity and wide range of TID applications of TIDs have led to the emergence of many device types. Each of them is intended to perform specific tasks and is in demand among a particular category of users. You can find dozens of classifications of these devices on the Internet and reference literature. In this case, three options for dividing TIDs into groups with standard features are most often used.

Classification by type of execution:

  1. Mobile. This modern type of TIDs stands out for being as compact as possible with minimal weight. Thanks to this, such devices can be used in hard-to-reach places where there is no possibility of operating stationary models. Developers of mobile TIDs were able to abandon the overall coolers. They have been replaced by uncooled silicon bolometers, which are small in size. This made it possible to minimize the dimensions and make the devices portable.
  2. Stationary. Models of this type are more versatile and functional than mobile ones. This is due to the presence of nitrogen coolers, which make it possible to expand the temperature range measured by the device. This structural element makes TIDs more dimensional, so they are used mainly at various construction sites and industrial enterprises.

Classification according to the functions performed:

  1. Observant. Devices of this type convert infrared radiation into light visible to the human eye. They are intended to identify people and animals that are in the area of TIDs. Such optics are often used in cases where you need to find hidden or lost people, so it is in demand among military personnel, rescuers, security guards, and law enforcement officials.
  2. Measuring. Such TIDs are an improved version of observational models. They also create a thermal image, showing the temperature distribution and indicating their value. The accuracy of temperature measurements depends on the device's characteristics and purpose. There is also a pattern that more expensive models more accurately determine the temperature of objects that fall into the optics field of view.
  3. Pyrometric. Models of this type have a similar principle of operation to the above devices. At the same time, pyrometric TIDs make it possible to detect deviations from a temperature predetermined by the user. This feature of these thermal imagers makes them useful in the industrial sector and in certain types of construction work.

Classification by purpose:

  1. Military. These TIDs are the most expensive. They are always crammed with interesting novelties that make the device work faster and more efficiently. Models designed for the military can detect enemy soldiers and equipment at a great distance. In addition, they often have valuable options that are kept secret.
  2. Construction. Based on the category's name, it is easy to guess what models this type is used for. They have relatively large dimensions and can determine the temperature from the broadest possible range. Construction TIDs are often expensive, so they are only used when necessary.
  3. Industrial. The most advanced devices fall into this category. They have a top-end set of features that allow you to perform the most complex tasks. Such models are often used in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and the chemical and oil refining industries. TIDs of this type are always equipped with the most sensitive IR sensors, which detect even slight temperature fluctuations. Also, their distinguishing feature is large displays, which display much helpful information.
  4. Household. Thermal imagers of this type are the most simple and inexpensive. They help people with various small tasks, such as determining the temperature of a car engine, finding the location of broken wiring, and much more. Most often, the accuracy of such devices is low, so it is not recommended to trust the values obtained fully.
  5. Medical. These TIDs are rare in the world. They are used only to determine certain diseases, as well as to carry out diagnostic measures. Most often, such devices have high accuracy and measure the temperature of the human body with minimum error. Medical models can have different sizes and any shape. It all depends on the purpose of the device and the option of diagnosing one or another part of the human body.
  6. Tourist. This category contains the most versatile thermal imagers models that can solve any simple task. Most often, tourist models are used for hunting. With their help, they determine the location of animals, which are always very difficult to find in the dark. Other than that, these TIDs are good on long hikes. They help, even in complete darkness, quickly locate their team members. The cost of such optics varies widely. Cheap models have only basic functionality, while expensive ones have many additional options. In all cases, travel TIDs are compact and designed for long-term outdoor use.

Using thermal imaging devices in a civil sphere?

Modern TIDs have become so popular in the civilian field that they can be found anywhere. With their help, they perform complex tasks, carry out responsible work, or use them as one of the attributes of a pleasant pastime. In all cases, such devices show their best side and simplify human life as much as possible.

Scope of TIDs in the civil sphere:

  1. Hunting. TIDs are the favorite equipment of professional hunters. With its help, it is possible to detect animals in a dark forest and identify them quickly. Most often, hunters use thermal imaging sights. They perform the listed work and make it possible to choose the optimal aiming point.
  2. Construction of houses. In the construction of residential buildings, TIDs will become essential equipment. They will allow diagnostics of walls, partitions, and roofs to detect damage to heat-insulating materials. Also, modern devices are used to search for cracks and other defects that reduce the effectiveness of the thermal insulation of a building.
  3. Production of electrical equipment. In this field of activity, thermal imagers are used as a control devices. They help identify problems with the thermal insulation of equipment and find problem areas in the wiring. Sometimes, TIDs become one of the constituent elements of various electrical equipment. This is observed in complex models of generators and transformers.
  4. Energy. In this area, TIDs are widely used. They help people diagnose power lines, identifying any violations of their integrity. Also, these devices are used to inspect heating networks and their equipment. Sometimes, TIDs locate spontaneous combustion sites for fuel materials (e.g., coal).
  5. Metallurgy. Thermal imagers are also widely used in metallurgy. Here they help to measure the temperature of liquid metal to investigate the thermal insulation properties of furnaces and other equipment. Any other device cannot perform these actions, so TIDs can be called an indispensable attribute of metallurgists.
  6. Chemical industry. One of the most dangerous industries is the chemical industry. To improve the safety of employees of enterprises and laboratories, modern TIDs are used. They make it possible to control the temperature of various chemical compositions, preventing them from going beyond the established limits. In some cases, they are also used to study the tightness of containers with chemicals.
  7. Oil and gas industry. Here TIDs most often play the role of an element of the security system. With their help, it is possible to fix any increase in temperature above the established limits, thereby enabling specialists to turn off the equipment promptly and determine the cause of the malfunction. In addition, TIDs are effective in finding energy losses and monitoring the status of various electrical installations.
  8. Construction of roads. To get the perfect road surface, you must constantly monitor the asphalt's temperature. TIDs help people with this work. It makes it possible to watch this indicator in real-time and promptly take the necessary measures to stabilize the situation in case of any deviations.
  9. Automotive. During the movement, various parts of the vehicles are exposed to intense heat. Each node has its temperature limit, above which it will be unsafe to operate it. Therefore, manufacturers use TIDs to test new vehicle models. They record temperature changes in various parts of the structure and compare them with acceptable values.
  10. Shipbuilding. Thermal imaging is used even in industries such as shipbuilding. Here, various TIDs help monitors the ship's condition and check the electrical equipment installed on board.
  11. Aviation. This industry was one of the first to use TIDs. These devices are almost everywhere, from hangars where planes are stored to the cockpit. The equipment used helps monitor the aircraft's condition and detect any temperature deviations. In addition, TIDs are often used during maintenance work on aircraft heat shields and electrical equipment installed on board.
  12. Medicine and veterinary medicine. These two related industries also cannot do without TIDs. In treatment, these devices diagnose a patient's condition and determine if he has certain diseases. Veterinarians need TIDs to examine large animals' conditions (e.g., horses, antelopes, elephants, and other fauna).
  13. Scientific activity. Scientists around the world are also beginning to actively use TIDs. With their help, they conduct various experiments, monitor the condition of the equipment, and determine the degree of heating of particular objects. Most often, such devices are used by specialists in physics and chemistry. Also, TIDs can be found in some well-known universities, where various scientific works are carried out with their help.
  14. Art. It's hard to believe, but even artists cannot do without TIDs. These valuable devices make it possible to monitor the state of works of fine art and find defects in the structure of frescoes that are invisible to humans. In addition, modern TIDs are used in cinematography.
  15. Sports. Modern technologies are being introduced into various sports. The case of TIDs is no exception. These devices are used during track and road cycling. Judges in auto and motorsports also use TIDs. With their help, judges check bicycles to identify prohibited structural elements (for example, almost silent mini-motors that cannot be heard or seen without additional equipment) that give one athlete an advantage over another.

TIDs have long been an essential part of the military's equipment, performing combat missions of varying complexity. However, recently civilians have also begun to use them actively. With these devices' help, people could speed up the process of performing various operations and increase work efficiency. The popularity of TIDs is rapidly gaining momentum, and this process cannot be stopped. In the next few years, we can expect the emergence of new, more advanced devices that will be even more deeply embedded in various civilian areas of activity.

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