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Best night vision device for wildlife watching

Jan 14, 2023 | 06:25 am 423 0
Best night vision device for wildlife watching

When the sun is above the horizon, wildlife lives its active life. During this period of the day, observing it is as simple as possible since scientists or life lovers do not need to take artificial light sources with them or look for special devices. With the onset of dusk, the situation changes. After sunset, various activities in the wild become even more active, and many seek to watch this. People should use NVDs to help them see in the dark to achieve this goal. These devices must have unique characteristics and properties to let users view nocturnal animals, birds, and any flora in detail.

What is night vision technology?

Night vision is a standard technology. Its first mention dates back to the beginning of the last century. At this time, various optical devices began appearing, slightly resembling modern models. The Second World War was a strong impetus for developing this technology. Because of it, an active arms race began, the purpose of which was to obtain a significant advantage over the enemy. A new stage in the development of NV technology was the post-war period. At this time, the first genuinely high-quality NVD was invented and designed. It was bulky and uncomfortable, but it made it possible to see at least something in the dark. So gradually, it came to modern NVDs, actively used to observe nature. Over the decades, technology has been actively developed, and devices have been improved.

Modern devices that compensate for the inability of a person to see in the dark use the latest developments in the field of NV technologies. Despite this, the general principle remains the same as many years ago. Various types of NVDs are equipped with unique design elements that capture minimal light and amplify it many times. As a source of such light, man-made lanterns, lamps, searchlights, and the natural light of stars, the Moon, and other celestial bodies can be used. NV technology provides for using such elements as an image converter in devices. They can be of different types and have several unique characteristics. At the same time, all of them are used to convert the captured radiation into light that the observer's eye can perceive.

Thanks to night vision technology, it has become possible to perform many tasks that previously a person could only handle during the day. In addition to observing wildlife, it can be used for the following purposes:

  • conducting military operations;
  • search and rescue of people;
  • maritime navigation;
  • making night flights;
  • carrying out various works at enterprises in the dark;
  • observation of particular objects;
  • protection of the territory;
  • agricultural work;
  • hunting and fishing;
  • extreme travel;
  • scientific activity.

If the latest advances in NV technology are used to observe wildlife, they will be most helpful to people. The benefit lies in the ability to perform various tasks, ranging from the simplest to the most complex.

Options for using NV technologies in nature observation:

  1. Search for an object of interest. Finding the right animal or plant in the dark is difficult. To cope with the task, you should use NV technologies. They will make it possible to inspect vast areas and quickly find the object of interest. In addition, they will allow you to quickly reach the habitat of animals or the growth of representatives of the flora (it will be possible to bypass all the pits, wetlands, dangerous paths, etc.).
  2. Surveillance from cover. At night, the senses are most involved in animals. Because of this, it will be difficult to get close to the object of interest and go unnoticed. Any rustle, careless movement, or gust of wind that brings the smell of a person to the beast will be a signal to flee. To prevent such a situation, one should observe from a remote shelter. Modern technology will allow you to carry out such an operation. They will make it possible to see at night from afar, eliminating the need for additional actions (for example, approaching the visibility distance).
  3. Protecting yourself. Wildlife is ruthless, so even a developed creature like a person can turn from a night observer into prey in an instant. In this regard, another important application of NV technologies is self-defense. Thanks to various devices, it will be possible to detect the approach of a dangerous animal in advance and take the necessary measures to avoid meeting it. In addition, modern technologies will save the observer from serious injuries (they will give a chance to notice a cliff, a hole, a slippery area, a protruding branch, an object unsafe for health, etc.) in time.
  4. Orientation on the ground. It takes effort to navigate in the dark. The task becomes complicated if unexplored places open up before the traveler, where one can quickly go off the path and get lost. To get rid of such troubles, you should use the achievements of NV technology. They will allow, without leaving the route, to inspect the territory and determine the location. In addition, with their help, you will quickly find the correct direction of movement to the selected point on the map.

Night vision binoculars

Binoculars are versatile optics with a wide range of applications. It is ideal for hundreds of tasks, including wildlife observation. NV binoculars are slightly different from the daytime model. Its design contains a unique converter that amplifies the light collected by the lens and makes it visible through the eyepiece. As such, a converter, a classic image intensifier tube of different generations, is most often used. In modern models, manufacturers install this structural element, which is type II or III. Older versions have long ceased to be relevant, rarely used.

In addition to NV binoculars with image intensifier tubes, there are digital thermal imaging models. Both options are considered more advanced, but their application range is much narrower than that of classical devices. Because of this, they will only sometimes be a good helper when observing plants or animals at night.

Advantages of binoculars:

  • the possibility of conducting observation with two eyes;
  • wide viewing angle;
  • the convenience of use;
  • universality;
  • high multiplicity;
  • ease of combination with other devices (e.g., range finder).

Disadvantages of binoculars:

  • large dimensions;
  • transportation difficulties.

Most NV binoculars sold these days can be used to observe animals and plants. However, for everything to be perfect, you should check the available devices against specific criteria.

Features of binoculars designed for nature observation:

  1. Generation II or III. For night observation of representatives of flora and fauna, it is best to use binoculars of the II generation. They are well suited for open spaces and combine excellent performance and relatively low cost. An alternative may be models of the III generation. They are more expensive, but the most compact and easy to use. They also have a set of characteristics that can meet the needs of people for whom wildlife observation is a professional duty.
  2. Expanded field of view. To observe nature, you must first find an object of interest. NV binoculars with an extended field of view will help you do this as quickly as possible. This criterion is met by most of the modern models. Almost all of them make it possible to cover vast territories with a glance, looking for the required objects.
  3. High magnification. If you can get close to plants, you must observe animals only from a long distance. It is better to use binoculars with a high magnification index in such a situation. These devices will allow you to get the picture as close as possible and look at the animal of interest without frightening it and betraying your presence. A multiplicity of 10x will suffice for superficial observers and, for scientists, 20x and higher.
  4. Large focal length. Nature lovers often overlook this critical indicator. Because of this, they choose inappropriate devices that cannot provide the desired effect. You should select NV models with a considerable focal length to avoid this problem. This will help you get a better image at maximum magnification.
  5. Maximum resolution. If you want to see nocturnal animals and follow their actions, using devices with the medium resolution is recommended. However, if you want to see more details, then models with the highest possible values ​​of this parameter are ideal for this purpose. These binoculars should be used by people who study plants and animals and not just admire their beauty.
  6. Possibility of diopter adjustment. Wildlife lovers who have vision problems should bring binoculars with diopter adjustment. It will make it possible to correctly set up the equipment and eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. Observing nature without such a practical option will become less comfortable, and your eyes tire much faster.
  7. Small size, weight. Binoculars with excellent features can be bulky and heavy. In such a situation, it will be inconvenient to transport and wear them throughout the expedition. In this regard, it is better to give preference to the most compact devices, the capabilities of which are enough to solve the problem.
  8. Ability to install add-ons. Wildlife enthusiasts sometimes need additional devices (for example, rangefinders that determine the distance to the animal). Ideally, they should be equipped with NV binoculars. In that case, it should be possible to install various useful add-ons (there should be multiple fasteners on the chance to help fix auxiliary equipment). However, there is no such option.
  9. Reliable body protection. Binoculars used for observing nature NV must be closed from any external influences. This is the only way they will work properly without letting the user down at a crucial moment. Ideally, the devices taken on an expedition should not allow moisture through, endure minor mechanical stress, and are not afraid of sudden temperature changes.

Night vision monocular

A monocular is a more miniature copy of binoculars. This feature has both positive and negative aspects. In this regard, some nature lovers consider the NV monocular an ideal option, while others think it unacceptable. To determine whose version is closer to the truth, you need to consider this device in more detail. First of all, you need to pay attention to the design. It is almost the same as that of binoculars. The only difference is the presence of one lens and the same number of eyepieces. At the same time, the same image intensifier tube is most often used as a signal amplifier.

Recently, digital and thermal imaging monoculars have become popular. The former have special CCD matrices in their design. They have increased sensitivity, thanks to which they easily capture feeble light. The latter is converted into a digital signal and sent to the display with the eyepiece. Thermal NV models work differently. They do not capture light but heat coming from various objects. After converting the received data, the observer gets a thermal image of the surrounding area. Such monoculars are best used for locating animals in the wild. However, it is better to select digital models or devices with image intensifier tubes for detailed consideration.

Advantages of monoculars:

  • minimum dimensions;
  • small cost;
  • lightweight;
  • ease of transportation;
  • low energy consumption;
  • the convenience of use;
  • versatility.

Disadvantages of monoculars:

  • difficulty in adapting to observation with one eye;
  • relatively small viewing angle.

Not all monoculars help observe wildlife. Therefore, special attention should be paid to studying the characteristics of available devices.

Features of monoculars that are suitable for observing animals and plants:

  1. Modern type. For this purpose, the contemporary style (III generation) night monoculars should be used. Only they can give good visibility and provide perfect picture quality. For non-professional observers, some outdated models are also suitable. However, it will be challenging to count on good detail in this case.
  2. Large lens. Unlike binoculars, a monocular has only one lens. Because of this, higher requirements are placed on him. Ideally, this structural element should be as significant as possible. This will allow him to collect even weak light and enable the converter to form a clearer picture of the surrounding area. Therefore, the wider the lens diameter, the better for the observer.
  3. The maximum possible multiplicity. Monoculars are not the best optics when considering objects located at a great distance. To slightly adapt them to the observation of nocturnal animals, you need to take models with the maximum magnification. These are pretty rare, so many available options should not be expected.
  4. Increased field of view. Unlike binoculars, monoculars cannot provide a vast area of view. This is due to the design features of the device and its original purpose. Based on the preceding, NV models should be chosen to observe wildlife in which the value of this parameter is as high as possible.
  5. Maximum resolution. Monoculars are better at wildlife viewing than binoculars. However, if you bring a device with a very high resolution, you will feel little difference. The larger the value of this parameter, the finer details you can see in the resulting image.
  6. Increased moisture resistance. Wildlife is as unpredictable as the weather. Therefore, it is necessary to observe with NV monoculars that can withstand moisture. Such devices have special case protection, which helps to avoid the ingress of water drops inside. Light rain or fog can disable the monocular if you use devices without such protection.
  7. Anti-fogging. You can watch nature all night long. During its different periods, the air temperature can vary greatly, leading to fogging of the lenses. To prevent this, you should choose NV monoculars with a sealed body filled with a particular gas. Its presence will eliminate even slight fogging and make it possible to observe for many hours.
  8. Availability of additional functions. Modern NV monoculars are versatile devices capable of handling dozens of different tasks. This becomes possible due to other functions, such as measuring the distance to an object, determining its size, and so on. These options expand users' possibilities and give them a chance to observe representatives of the flora/fauna and study them in detail.
  9. Anti-reflective lens coating. During night observation of nature, glare disturbs users quite rarely. The presence of an anti-reflective coating will eliminate any deterioration in visibility in the event of the appearance of lighting devices in the field of view. However, this option is required for greater confidence in the monocular's capabilities.

Wildlife in the dark is always diverse and exciting. Watching her gives great pleasure not only to specialists but also to ordinary people. To get it, you need to use assistive devices that enable a person to see at night. Having correctly selected such a device and studied all its possibilities, it will be possible to discover many exciting things from the world of wildlife, even in complete darkness.

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